Companies / Trafrut Cano SL

Trafrut Cano SL

Trafrut Cano is a company specialised in the production of natural quince paste following its traditional cooking style.

Trafrut Cano is a family business that elaborates natural quince paste. The quince paste we make is obtained just from two ingredients: quince pulp and sugar, making it a natural product which follows the traditional recipe.

At the beginning, the product was made in a small confectionery in Malaga’s city centre. As demand grew, in 1993, a small warehouse was bought, and the product came to being produced in larger quantities without losing its artisan character.

To guarantee our product’s quality, we hand-pick the fruit and choose it carefully so only the best pieces of fruit are part of our production. We also control the temperature and cooking times to obtain the best results.

We also have international quality certifications such as IFS. As for our products, we currently produce natural quince paste, natural quince paste with orange and quince paste with cinnamon in plastic and glass formats that range from 150g to 4kg.

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