Companies / Frudel-Trops


Especialized in the avocado based consumable products. Experts on guacamole, pulp & more, we offer IV range fresh/frozen products

Production of avocado-based superior quality products. We are located in the Axarquía region, in the heart of the avocado cultivation of the Iberian Peninsula. We belong to the TROPS business group, the largest producer of avocados in Europe. At TROPS, we encourage the active participation of our farmer partners throughout the entire process, from the start, guaranteeing fair trade and obtaining the best avocado for our products. This translates into sustainability, quality and a commitment that makes us proud. From farm to table, our avocados receive special treatment, guaranteeing unmatched quality that satisfies the most demanding palates.
We are experts in preparing various recipes for guacamole, frozen and refrigerated avocado pulp; as well as other frozen products such as avocado cubes. Our wide range of products derived from avocado is marketed in the retail market, HORECA sector and in the food industry under the Frudel and Trops brands.
Enjoy the flavor and freshness of avocados in a variety of formats that will conquer your palate.

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