Companies / Aceites Málaga

Aceites Málaga

A company dedicated to packaging and marketing olive and sunflower oils, various preserves and private and white label wine and sauces

Company dedicated to the packaging, storage and marketing of olive oils , sunflower oil and seeds as well as the marketing and distribution of vegetable and animal preserves, wines, spices, olives, pickles, vinegars and sauces, both under own brand and white label.

Located in Malaga, the company was founded in 1968 by Francisco Pérez Godoy, when it was just a small shop selling oil and later, with teh purchase of a packaging plant, becoming one of the leading companies in the Malaga, without losing its family spirit, improving the productive capacity of 200 Tn in 1969 to 24,000 Tn in 2023.

With the second generation incorporated since 1992, the company is professionalized, modernized the facilities and new ranges of oils are introduced to meet the growing customer´s demand.

The history of Aceites Málaga has been characterized by the effort, dedication, investment and adaptation our clients’ needs, by the commitment from the management in the development and consolidation of the R&D department to improve and to adapt our products to the demands and specifications of our clients.

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